Monday, 20 August 2012

Hi There......

Haven't posted anything here for a little while, life has been a little
bit hectic and chaotic.   So I thought I would do a quick update and
then hopefully start posting more often.


1.  Have started a job as the Events Coordinator for Blackheath Area
Neighbourhood Centre which is very exciting, it is a 6mth position but
there are a lot of opportunities that could come out of this.......

2.  Organising the BOOSH Extravaganza which is on the 31st of Aug which
is for BANC.

3.  My daughter has been sick on and off for a little while and we have been
seeing lots of different specialists.  This is quite unusual for her as she never
ever really gets sick.  Before this period she had had one lot of antibiotics.
She had her first ever blood test the other day.  I am really looking forward
to things being clarrified and clear.  This has been the year where we have
both started to get more independence in our relationship, so we are both
finding it frustrating as I am not willing to leave her by herself too much.

4.  Have been making some more artwork and might possibly be in a show
in November in Sydney, so wish me luck.

5.  The house is in the process of being repossessed which is quite an
interesting experience as you are never quite sure when you are going to be
given notice.  Has taught me to hand things over


Guernsey Girl said...

Great to hear from you again, even though some of the news is sad. Good luck with the job, the house, and most of all with your daughter. I have two daughters, one of whom has been close to death twice, but is now healthy and happy. Hang on in there...

Raggle Taggle Gypsy Girl said...

Thanxs Guernsey Girl, yes life definately likes to test you sometime. Glad to hear that your girl got better. The main thing is working out what is causing her episodes, but I am sure we will get there. The doctors we have seen so far have been really helpful and clear......I hope all is well in your world.......

Anonymous said...

Good luck with everything Bhodi, hope all goes well for you

Kyra Wilson said...

I'm new to your blog, but I certainly hope everything is OK with your daughter!