Tuesday, 10 April 2012


Have started the morning off with a great jog, starting at 5.45am.........
Am really starting to get into these, gets me into a great headspace
for the rest of the day........
Normally I  walk a block, then jog a block for an hour but today I
got it up to 1 1/4hrs, go me, yeah.......Try to incorporate some hills
as best as I can.......
As per usual I am very luck to live in such a beautiful place, so took
some photos of the beautiful bush as the sun was coming through.....


Anne said...


Tink's Tinkerings said...

what a beautiful place, I must get back to my morning wlaks. It's just been so cold and me a life long walker. Thanks for the inspiration :)

Raggle Taggle Gypsy Girl said...

Thanxs Anne......
No worries Tink's Tinkering, it is a great thing and once you start it is quite easy.......Enjoy your walks.....

Medieval Muse said...

Gorgeous photos of nature. The light is just perfect.

Raggle Taggle Gypsy Girl said...

Thanxs, it is such a lovely time of the morning.....

Ronnie (RR) said...

A beautiful photo of a magikal place

Raggle Taggle Gypsy Girl said...

Thanxs Ronnie, I am very lucky.....